The Big Idea is critical. Our primary working philosophy is that marketing cannot be cookie cutter in style, but must be truly client-driven as well as client-focused. ConnectWorks Group Hawaii (CWGH) has the capability to utilize every new cutting edge tool that comes to the fore. But without a strong marketing tie-in, usage of
cutting edge marketing tools becomes more about the “cool factor“ of the technology and less about relevance to the target audience the client is attempting to
reach. Thus, a waste of time and money, as well as a wasted impression on the target the client was working to get their message to.
We do extensive planning with our clients prior to implementation of any marketing design project. A true plan must be born of a strategy that has been
created with the client, their key personnel, as well as focus groups if possible. From that strategy, we are then able to create a marketing plan and designs that not only deliver the information in a concise manner, but pique the brain and senses as well.
All of this takes focus from ConnectWorks Group Hawaii, as well as focus from the client and the client’s team if results are going to be required. And our
assumption is that results are always a requirement.
Strong concepts. Simple execution. Responsible creativity. Relish the collaborative process. Listen to the client. Listen for the problem. This all leads to one
common philosophy: Create work that works. ConnectWorks Group Hawaii.